How to install carpet grippers.
Is it illegal to put carpet grippers on your fence.
I get asked this all the time so here s my answer.
My intrerpretation is that carpet gripper is placed for the sole purpose as a man trap and therefore any person who suffers injury whether performing a legal activity or not will be legally able to seek recourse from the fence owner should an injury occur.
It therefore follows that you should not put injurious toppings on the inside face of a fence or wall such as carpet gripper or otherwise hide them even if you have put up warning signs.
Ultra security centre explains how to protect property and stay within the law.
When i was a child broken glass was the preferred method of intruder deterrent on top of walls around industrial premises.
Don t use carpet gripper on your fence as it s not designed for such use and would not stop a burglar climbing your fence they simply put a coat over the top of it.
I had an email from harry today asking me if it s illegal to put carpet gripper on top of a fence.
If the deterrents causes a nuisance or by your negligence injures a passer by then they may be able to sue you.
However if the wall fence borders the public highway then the local authority has powers to protect the public by having the deterrent removed if it thinks it could cause a danger to highway users.
It really depends upon which attorney represents the persons injured by the carpet grippers.
No its not legal to put carpet gripper on a fence especially a 3ft high one i expect the neighbour hates cats but the damage carpet gripper could inflict on cats or you or your children is horrendous if its your fence remove it if its a shared fence he needed to get your agreement.
Anti climb spikes have a role as part of effective perimeter security but the law means you must be careful that they don t injure anyone including intruders.